Pick up your VIP passes and tickets from the Box Office Will Call located in the Rainbow Room @ 223 Hay Street.
Box Office Hours: October 10 4p-6p; October 11 4p - 7p, October 12 9a - 10p, October 13 1p - 2p
PLEASE NOTE: A separate ticket is required for Dinner and a Movie Director.
VIP All-Access Pass-$100
One Pass for entry to all films and events. INCLUDES BOTH the Opening Night Film and Reception and Awards Banquet. EXCLUDES Dinner and a Movie Director.
VIP Pass + Opening Night Film-$100
One Pass for entry to all films and events. INCLUDES the Opening Night Film and Reception. EXCLUDES Awards Banquet. EXCLUDES Dinner and a Movie Director.
VIP Pass + Awards Banquet - $100
One Pass for entry to all films and events. INCLUDES the Awards Banquet. EXCLUDES the Opening Night Film. EXCLUDES Dinner and a Movie Director.
VIP Pass-$100
One Pass for entry to all films and events. EXCLUDES BOTH the Opening Night Film and the Awards Banquet. EXCLUDES Dinner and a Movie Director.
Opening Night Film & Gala $35
LUTHER: Never Too Much
Includes Opening Night Film and Opening Night Reception
Single Ticket $5 - $10
One ticket to any film Saturday or Sunday. Does not include the Friday Screening of the Opening Night Film.
One pass to any and all films screening on Saturday only. EXCLUDES Dinner and a Movie Director.
3fer Film Pass - $25
One pass to attend any three feature-length films or short film blocks. Does not include Friday Opening Night Film & Gala. Does not include Awards Banquet.
Sunday Funday Pass - $40
One pass for Awards Banquet and all films, including Opening Night repeat on Sunday only.